Structural Solutions
For The Built Environment
P2 Structural Engineering is a full service Consulting Structural Engineering firm providing services to the Architectural and Construction community of the Delaware Valley and Beyond. Founded in 2017, the firm provides structural solutions to today's building challenges.
The firm's existence is based on providing creative, client oriented services to meet the Owner, Architect & Construction team's expectations. We believe in providing our services using the latest in technology to develop efficient designs while maintaining an "old school" methodology of face to face meetings, communication, and a collaborative process. using four basic principles:
Engineering as Science, Art, Value and Collaboration

Engineering as Science:
Engineering as defined by the Engineer's Council of Professional Development as the creative application
of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes,
or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation or safety to life and property. P2 Structural follows this definition by applying modern technology and the scientific principles of engineering to develop solutions and designs for our clients. We believe in the appropriate use of the most modern technology to develop practical design solutions in conjunction with previous methods (i.e. hand calculations, face to face meetings, etc.).

Engineering as Art:
Engineering can also be defined as the art of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences,
in the construction of buildings and other structures. At P2 Structural Engineering, we truly believe that engineering is an art. The creation of a building or other structure is directly linked to the architecture and interfaced so closely that the structure itself is an art form. This can be seen in the work we do, present and document. Creating functional, well designed structures is an art form as the science will only satisfy the mathemetical and load requirements. Selecting appropriate sizes of members, layouts, and interface with the other building systems is a careful balance of practicality, perception, and necessity. We strive to balance these items while we create structural solutions for today's built environment.

Engineering as Value:
For the most part, the value of an engineering solution, system or design is based solely in the dollar value of its construction. This is a critical belief at P2 Structural Engineering. The proper design of a building, member or system is paramount. The appropriate design is a balance of value for the system and its load capacity with the necessary factor of safety. Creating a designed system above and beyond the mathematical requirements detracts from the value of the engineering solution and escalates the value of the building. At P2 Structural Engineering, we balance the mathematical design for the system with the appropriate safety factor to allow for the system to have appropriate value to both the project and the client.

Engineering as Collaboration:
Engineering is truly a collaborative effort between the architect, building system engineers, and construction team. Collaboration, is the critical thinking at P2 Structural Engineering. The work done in meetings, phone calls, coordination and design comes to fruition in the construction of the building. Working as a team, sharing ideas, concepts, solutions will make the project a success. That is why we believe in open communication related ot layouts, building member sizes, details, etc. We prefer face to face meetings to discuss the project and move the project forward to successful completion. Our philosophy is that each team member, be it the architect, building systems engineers or construction team, has an important role and can have creative solutions for the built environment. All of these ideas and thought are worth discussing and evaluating as a team.